5664 Bee Ridge Rd Ste 100

Sarasota, FL 34233


  • One, Two, or Three Miles?

    Even experienced exercisers sometimes find it difficult to know how much to do. For the beginner this uncertainty represents a significant stumbling block. Fortunately well-established guidelines and protocols exist to provide assistance to all exercisers, regardless of your skill level. In general,

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  • To Lift or Not to Lift?

    If a great Shakespearean protagonist had, anachronistically, joined a gym, his internal existential inquiry might have been, "To lift or not to lift?". Many centuries later, the identical inquiry, or controversy, persists. Joining a gym (health club) usually implies the new club member is going to engage

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  • Owning Your Health

    Recent discussions in the scientific literature are focusing on monitoring and possibly improving cardiovascular health in children. There's been a lot of conversation and a lot of controversy. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association1 argued that universal screening of children

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  • Strength Training

    Whatever your age, strength training is an activity that provides many health benefits for both men and women. Strength training can be done by people who are in good health, as well as by those who have health concerns — such as arthritis or chronic pain. Combined with regular aerobic exercise, doing

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  • Stress Management

    Most people have experienced stress at some point in their life. However, what you may not realize is that stress can also have a big impact on your health. Stress can cause many of the symptoms that you blame on illness — such as difficulty sleeping, depression or even changes in your sex drive. The

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  • Control Your Breathing

    Relaxed breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing, can help you relieve stress. Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you're stressed? Stress typically causes rapid, shallow breathing. This kind of breathing sustains other aspects of the stress response, such as rapid heart rate and perspiration.

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  • Find Your Mantra

    To find your mantra you can go to a peaceful place, sit in a comfortable position, and focus on a word or phrase that you find relaxing. Autogenic means something that comes from within you. During this type of relaxation, you repeat words or suggestions in your mind to help you relax and reduce the

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  • Relationships with Others

    Relationships are important for good emotional health. Numerous studies have shown that people who have close friends and intimate relationships are healthier, happier, and live longer. In fact, the simple act of petting a dog, holding a child, or seeing someone you love causes a decrease in stress hormones

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  • Soothing Sounds

    To rest your mind and take a visual journey to a peaceful place, consider listening to soothing sounds. If you have about ten minutes and a quiet room, you can take a mental vacation almost anytime with soothing sounds. Consider music such as relaxation CDs or internet radio stations to help you unwind.

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  • Balance

    Balance and coordination exist when the body is used for what it is designed for. Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help to improve muscle coordination. Activities such as working at a desk, reading, and watching television do the opposite

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  • Strength

    Strong muscles keep your body upright and allow you to move. Good muscle strength and balance are critical to maintain proper posture and minimize muscle tension. Your muscles function much like the wires that hold up a tall radio or television antenna. If the wires are equally strong on all sides, the

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  • A Back Saver Wallet

    Most men carry a wallet in their back pockets and in many cases it can be over a half an inch thick. Sitting on a half inch wedge for hours at a time over a period of years is one of the most overlooked causes of spinal misalignments and spinal pain including back pain, neck pain and even headaches.

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  • A Good Mattress

    Most people spend approximately one-third of their entire life lying in bed. The quality of your mattress can make a huge difference between waking up feeling refreshed and waking up in pain. In fact, old worn-out mattresses are an extremely common contributor to chronic back and neck pain. Good health

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  • A Healthy Backpack

    Another important wellness essential product is an ergonomically designed backpack. It is amazing how we can put thousands of pages of data onto a microchip smaller than the eye can see, yet kids are carrying backpacks that are heavier than ever filled with text books. Many schools are taking away kid's

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  • BOSU/Disc

    A great way to both work on strengthening the core muscles that wrap around your waist and support your spine and improve your balance and coordination is with a new workout tool called a BOSU which stands for "both sides up." On one side it is a half of a balance ball on the other side it is a flat

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  • Buy Good Shoes

    Most people spend close to two-thirds of their life in shoes, so wearing shoes that fit well is very important. Our feet endure tremendous pressures daily. For example, an average day of walking brings a force equal to several hundred tons on your feet. Feet are subject to more injury than any other

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8:30 am-6:00 pm

Lunch 12pm-2pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm

Lunch 12pm-2pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm

Lunch 12pm-2pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm

Lunch 12pm-2pm



